Oh the things that keep little ones entertained. It has been so hot the last couple of days it is almost unbearable to be outside, I got the hose out and sprayed the kids and all neighbor kids off while they rode by on their bikes. Cohen dragged the sled out and was playing in it so I put a little water in it and it seriously kept him entertained until we were all ready to go in which is good because it
deterred his fascination with running into the street every two minutes. This kid loves to run from the top our driveway to the street and back and will repeat this process continuously....
awwwhhhh! He is all boy that is for sure. He runs to the gutters picks up rocks or basketballs as he calls them and proceeds to throw them as hard as he can into the street.
Boys will be Boys and I for sure love my little guy. He has been such a wonderful baby and is getting more and more fun the older he gets. He really is the best little guy around!!
Little Cohen is all boy! always so curious to try new things! He is so proud of him self. I love my little Cohen!
seriously that boy is too darn cute!! i love those pics. i wish that i could be there to pinch those chubby cheeks! give them a pinch for me please ;) xoxo
ahhhh...he is soooo cute. He is a little chubby like our Eric. SO CUTE!!! I love it! and those pictures are priceless!
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