Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Happy #6 CLAIRE

September 22, 2003
Born at 2:16 p.m.
6 pounds 5 ounces
19.5 inches
Born 31/2 weeks early, fast,scary(placental tear, shocking my tummy to get heartbeat)delivery. Came out perfect, sweet, calm and to this day those characteristics have not changed one bit.
Claire has been such a joy in our home. She is such a kind hearted, funny, caring, compassionate little girl. She is so excited about life and truly cares about the happiness of others around her. The picture above was chosen because she is an absolute animal LOVER of ALL animals.
Today in the car as we were running errands this was a conversation Claire and I had.
C: Mom am I 6 yet?
Me: Yes, you are 6! Can you believe it?
C: No! I don't feel 6 and I certainly don't look 6!
If that isn't the most innocent , sweet and completely serious conversation.....well than I don't know what is!