Friday, August 29, 2008

Moving Day

I knew this day was coming for the last month, the day when my sister, brother-in-law and their 3 kids would be moving. It didn't really hit me until tonight when I saw the big moving truck parked outside the house. Although, I do have to say that it will be an easier move having them only going to St. George unlike their last move to San Diego. Hard enough where we cant do our weekly lunch dates or having Lauren and Dawson coming over to play at my house for hours at a time. Five hours in still a long drive where I wont be able to see all of your cute faces all the time, yet close enough where I can sneak in a weekend visit every now and again. It is hard to have family move away. First it was my bro/sis in-law moving to Texas and taking their kids away from me and my kids. Emmy and Claire loved to play and have sleepovers with Kassi and Halle and the following day heading to Dollar Tree to find a one of a kind toy. Oh, how my kids miss them and ask frequently when they are coming back.....and NOW....Lauren, Dawson and Damon. That leaves us here with one set of cousins left. Cortnee and Emeree it looks like its just us! We are so happy for all of our relatives that have moved and all the exciting experiences that the move has provided for your families and the wonderful opportunities your jobs have provided you. We love you all and wish you were all just a"little"bit closer.
I love you Launee! This will be such a good move for you guys. I will miss you and your sweet personality so much. You will do great down in the land of sun!
P.S. I hope this makes a little sense as I am typing through my crying eyes! BOOHOO:(

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Back To School!!

So...I couldn't have asked for school to start fast enough. I mean 3 1/2 months is a long summer and coming up with things to keep kids entertained and busy wore off in lets say, ohh, week 2! The day finally arrived for Emerson to start her year in the 2nd grade. As excited as she was I was actually sad to see her walk into her classroom. I have enjoyed her help and company all summer long and was a little jealous that she wouldn't be with me all day long. I just cant believe how fast time is going by. My baby, my first born is already in the 2nd grade:( I am thrilled that she is so excited about her teacher, her new friends, and all of the fun things Mrs. Worley has planned for them this year. Next week we get to do this all over as Claire will be heading into her 3rd....yes, I said 3rd year of preschool. You have gotta love the late birthday's that miss the actual deadline by 2 weeks. Therefore that leaves us spending $65 a month *times 3 years! I think I should become a preschool teacher...they are making some fun spending cash:)the typical "mom. quit taking my picture you
are embarrassing me!"

the classic first day of school pose

Emerson loved taking pictures on her first day of school so much that we just"had" to take them on the second day of school as well!! My girls LOOOVVEE to be in front of the camera!

Oh! P.S. Thanks gramma Shawna for taking all of the girls shopping for their new book bags they are totally cute!!