We had such a wonderful day celebrating Fathers Day today. We started the day off by making Scott breakfast of french toast and LOTS of bacon, our daddy LOVES bacon. We then had a great day at church with uplifting talks and a beautiful music selection done by the primary children. As a mom tears welled up in my eyes and then tears of joy streamed down my face to see my beautiful daughters stand in front of the audience and sing about their dad. They were so proud to be up there singing their little hearts out and their dad was pretty proud too!
After church we opened Scotts gifts and then headed to the park for a picnic with my dad and mom, sisters and all of their families. We had a fun little picnic, played football, talked, sang, opened more gifts(thanks mom and dad for thinking of Scott and giving him a gift as gratitude for him on being such a wonderful, dad,husband, and son-in-law)
We stayed at the park for a couple of hours, the weather couldnt have been nicer and finished our day there by stuffing our faces with Marie Calendar Pies....Yum-o!!
Thanks to my wonderful husband for being such a great example to me and our kids. Scott you were born to be a dad and we couldnt be more grateful for all the things you do for us as a family. Thank you for taking care of us, making each of us feel special and loved daily, you really are the light of our lives...We Love You!
Thanks Emerson for taking our picture, you did a great job, even if I do look like a drunken soldier:)
Trying to get a descent picture of daddy and kids before church. Can I just say...argghhh! This is always such a fun task, I mean look at everyones faces and hair, its enough to make a mother quiver. Oh, well at least we got a picture and I do have to say, I love my little family!

Happy Fathers day to my wonderful dad. I love you so much and I am so grateful for all that you have done and taught me throughout my life. You are such a wonderful dad and even better grandpa, my kids eyes just light up when you are around and they love you so much. Thanks for all the things you do for me and my family, we love you so much! Have a wonderful day dad-e-o!
Can you guess what our dad got for fathers day?

A new grill. This thing is awesome, it has infra-red cooking, built in temp control themometor for meat cooking, a griddle, rottisierrie, I mean the thing basically barbeques for you. We are ready to do some serious backyard bbq's....Welcome Summer! He also got an outdoor fire pit so we can roast marshmellows, hotdogs, or just sit and relax by a small outdoor fire right in our backyard.
OKAY !!! I just wrote for 10 minutes on a response to the fathers day blog you posted this evening. I said the responses all seem to dissappear into the "COSMOS", and once again, it happened.
So, all I will say is "thanks to all my son-in-laws for being such grteat fathers and taking care of our babies.
With that, thanks Scott for being such a good father to the girls and the little guy!
Loves Dad-e-o AKA grandpa Curtis
you are the greatest and one of my biggest hero's. I love you!!
now that is a serious grill! wish we were there to enjoy a family bbq :)love the "drunken sailor" pic too! i think you have a photographer on your hands...lol!!
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