So, I came across another little heart defect baby. This special little one was born in the last week and suffers from a severe heart defect(the same as the post I did on baby Gracie) this sweet little angel will be undergoing her first open heart surgery tomorrow. Please pray for her family as you all could guess that this would be such an emotional, stressful nerve racking day for her family. Can you imagine giving your brand new infant up, and trusting these doctors with the outcome of basically her life. I know Heavenly Father has a plan for each one of these special children, and these children knew the risks, trials, pains they would face as they agreed when they chose to take a some sort of disabled body to come into this world. I am ever so grateful for their valiant little spirits and the lessons in love, faith, humility, honor, courage, selflessness that they teach me. I know that whatever agreement they made in the
premortal life is one they should be so proud of.
As a little girl I had always dreamed of becoming a "baby" doctor, so maybe that is why I always feel so drawn to these sweet babies, I just wish there was some way I could save them all, just whisper in their ears that they would be okay and take whatever pain they would face in this mortal life away from them and carry their burdens and pain on my back. They are a lot stronger than what I could ever dream to be and that is why our loving Saviour gave them the trials they would be facing, because they are choice spirits and their parents should feel so PROUD!
I want to thank my special spirit sister Codee for teaching me about all of these sacrifices, promises, lessons, that she made with her Father in Heaven when she chose to be born with Autism, giving up on a "normal life" just so she could gain a body come to earth and teach us all a lesson. I love you Codee, and am so grateful you are my
sister and the many wonderful things you have taught me.
Again, please offer up your prayers to Lindsay's family as they will be facing a very challenging road in the next couple of days. Her parents would love if you left them a comment on their blog showing your support for them and their family. Just click Lindsay's name on my blogger buddies..