Cohen on his new drums from G'ma and G'pa Warrick. He loves them and has gotten some good use out of them already! Thanks for always getting such great gifts and making Christmas day so fun and memorable. The kids looked forward to going to your house all day long...the games, the treats, the activities you sure do know how to make it a special!

The girls with their new luggage from G'ma and G'pa Warrick. These will come into good use with all of the sleepovers at your house....Cohen got his own too! The girls also got their very own MP3 players from G'ma/G'pa....now choosing what songs to download...decsions, descions??

Emmy on Christmas morning! I love that she is still interested in dolls and all the girly things. She is so sweet and loved her doll and all the furniture to go with it. She got her own cell phone, shoes, dangly earrings, barbies,(presents from a couple of BOYS in her class) bead sets..she was such a sweet heart all day long and really enjoyed every minute of it.

I love Claire and her sleepy looking eyes. She is our little crafty/artsy kid..she loved the bead set as well as all her crayons, coloring books, dolls, her SWIMMING dog(that she just Had to have), barbies and new shoes.

Our lil' Cohen had such a fun time this year. He was old enough to understand that if you rip the paper off the boxes there are some pretty cool suprises underneath it all. He loved his fire truck, cars, balls, shoes, but most of all her loved the empty boxes and shredded paper.....go figure!
you guys made out with some fun toys! i love it when wish lists are easy (and cheap) for santa! xoxo
Fun! Claire was so funny at our house the other day when she came to play. I asked her what Santa brought her, first thing she said.."well, he brought me a Mariposa Barbie, which I REALLY wanted santa is pretty smart because he knew." then I say oh is that all he brought ya? "no, lots of other stuff to but it's not very important" hahahahahaha!!! Okay I DIED laughing, it was SO funny!!!
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