Monday, April 21, 2008


I do not know how I came across the family blog of little Gracie, but I feel so lucky that I did. This little baby was born 4 weeks ago with a severe heart defect that will require several surgeries throughout her little life. Her story brings me to tears. I see pictures of her and my heart just aches for her and her family. I know she must have a great calling here in life and many wonderful things to teach people. I feel for her parents, how hard it must be to see your precious newborn endure so much in such a short span in life. I see her tender face in photos and I wish I could scoop her up love her and take the pain away from her. I don't know this child nor the family, but for some reason she keeps popping into my mind. I would like to ask you all to please put a special prayer out there for her and her family.

It makes me appreciate the lives of my children. How I take for granted their health and able physical bodies. It makes me want to hold them a little longer and appreciate their smells, smiles, eyes and the way they touch my face. It makes me want to slow time down so I can remember them being "little"

I appreciate stories like little Gracie's because it helps my faith in my savior grow. I am so grateful for the truth we have of eternal families and that Heavenly Father has a divine plan for each and everyone of us. I am so grateful for such innocent and perfect spirits like Gracie's....spirits that are so perfect, spirits that wanted a physical body so bad that they would sacrifice coming to earth with a handicapped body to obtain one, even knowing that their stay on earth might be a short one. What perfect examples those little ones are to me!

Please offer your prayers and support to not only Gracie's family but all the other families in such trying times as hers. Also, check out their family blog at:


Alex Perry said...

You are such a thoughtful person. That is heartbreaking. That poor baby & family. I could not even imagine going through something like that. I really don't think my emotions would be able to stand up to the challenge. It really does make you take a step back and really appreciate what we do have, and the health of our loved ones. Thanks for sharing this post!

chelon:) said...

beautiful post. i looked at their blog...oh how sad and wonderful at the same time. what faith these families have. what a special gift these beautiful babies are. thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Jameee, thank-you for sharing this story and keeping us updated on it. You have always been a compassionate loving individual, Always bringing home the kids that nobody would include, the less fortunate, and kind to the indian school kids. I am very proud of you have never thought you were above anyone, thats why you have alwaYS had people that truely like you.

Love mom