Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Someone's ONE!!

On April 24, 2007 Cohen Scott Colquitt was born at 5:25 p.m. Weighting in at 8 lbs. 3 oz and 21 in. long.
He is such a wonderful addition to our family. He has 2 older sisters who adore him and he adores them just as much. He is so mellow, sweet spirited, easy going, happy, energetic, and all around BOY!! He really is such a great little guy. He is such an old soul in a little body and seems to have an important calling here on earth. We cant wait to see what that is!!
Have a wonderful FIRST birthday Cohen!!

Monday, April 21, 2008


I do not know how I came across the family blog of little Gracie, but I feel so lucky that I did. This little baby was born 4 weeks ago with a severe heart defect that will require several surgeries throughout her little life. Her story brings me to tears. I see pictures of her and my heart just aches for her and her family. I know she must have a great calling here in life and many wonderful things to teach people. I feel for her parents, how hard it must be to see your precious newborn endure so much in such a short span in life. I see her tender face in photos and I wish I could scoop her up love her and take the pain away from her. I don't know this child nor the family, but for some reason she keeps popping into my mind. I would like to ask you all to please put a special prayer out there for her and her family.

It makes me appreciate the lives of my children. How I take for granted their health and able physical bodies. It makes me want to hold them a little longer and appreciate their smells, smiles, eyes and the way they touch my face. It makes me want to slow time down so I can remember them being "little"

I appreciate stories like little Gracie's because it helps my faith in my savior grow. I am so grateful for the truth we have of eternal families and that Heavenly Father has a divine plan for each and everyone of us. I am so grateful for such innocent and perfect spirits like Gracie's....spirits that are so perfect, spirits that wanted a physical body so bad that they would sacrifice coming to earth with a handicapped body to obtain one, even knowing that their stay on earth might be a short one. What perfect examples those little ones are to me!

Please offer your prayers and support to not only Gracie's family but all the other families in such trying times as hers. Also, check out their family blog at:

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Daughter Like Father...

The other day we went into Home Depot to get some stuff and Claire just happend to notice the little wheel barrel and miniature shovel. With the cutest little voice ever asked,"daddy, can I get those to help you in the yard?" Of course, Scott can never say NO to his girls and obliged. We got home and they worked ALL day in the yard...planting trees, hauling dirt, and putting cloth down in prep for the wood chips. If anyone is in need of yard care help contact... CLAIRE!

Is It Spring Yet?

Check Out This Photo...Do you notice the winter coat inside the boat in APRIL?! Claire has been anxiously awaiting boating season, but with crazy Utah weather it looks and feels as though we may be waiting awhile longer:(

Sunday, April 6, 2008


I cant believe that I have a child who is 7 years old. Holy moly, that makes me feel old. Seven years has just kind of crept up on us, it has come much faster than what I would have liked:( All in all it has been so exciting to see her grow up over these last 7 years into a beautiful young lady. She really is a great kid! We had a great birthday weekend. It started with Nana and Papa coming up for lunch and cake(Thanks for the pizza and yummy cake:) she opened their gift which was a scrap booking kit, she also opened her gift from her cousins in Texas, a barbie. I am so glad that she still is into barbies and dolls and little girl things. I don't want her to grow up faster than she has. Next day Gramma Shawna took her birthday shopping, she had a blast! She said, "mom, I really love gramma and grampa, because they love me sooo much, plus they SPOIL me." It is true they do. Thanks gramma Shawna. So, I am not kidding when I say it was a party weekend....the day of her actual b-day(April 5) we had 11 girls over at our home. It was a blast, we had pizza, danced, sang, and did the usual birthday things. Later in the evening Emerson got to take 5 of her friends bowling at Fat Cats. We bowled and had a wonderful time, after we settled our hunger pains at Costa Vida, where we watched boys surf at the new indoor surfing complex. The girls all started giggling and I asked them what was so funny....they said," that boy, who just was on his surf board, he winked at us!" Oh, is 7 going on 17! YIKES!!! We finished off the weekend by having all of my family over for cake and ice cream. She opened her gift from gramma and grampa, it was a Madame Alexander collecter doll. Thanks everyone for making her birthday so Great... Happy Birthday Beetle-Bee, We LOVE you.


Emerson and Claire have both recently started dance and gymnastics and LOVE it! Emerson sure has taken to gymnastics really well. She climbs the rope like a monkey...she gets to the top in no time and her back bends are beautiful. She is practicing really hard everyday to do a back walk over. Every time I watch her I cringe. It doesn't seem normal to bend your body into weird contortion's. I guess we just have to sit back and watch her develop her own talents, hoping she doesn't follow in her moms footsteps. When I was in high school, I decided to take some gymnastic classes to help me with my cheer leading....lets just say when your 16, you shouldn't start something like this so late in life. I was running to do a round off back handspring, when I so graciously tripped, my wrist collapsed mid back handspring, and resulted in torn muscles in my back and neck, which lead to weeks of physical therapy and a lovely neck brace....yes, I said it a NECK BRACE! How embarrassing. That is why I had such anxiety and fear when the girls asked if they could take gymnastics. The result, Emerson(since she is older and I hate to say it, but less accident prone) got to take while Claire is in a dance class:) I told Claire when she turns "5" she will be able to join her sister in the gymnastic world, until then...ballet! It is so fun to watch Claire each week. She is such a dainty little girl. So whimsical. She gets out on the open floor and just forgets that there are other little girls are around. She really is such a beautiful dancer, a natural performer. Good Job CLAIRE!!