This is the only photo I got of Emerson at her school Halloween party. She looked so cute! What a fun class she has this year.

Don't we have the cutest grandparents in the world? They stopped over on Halloween to see the kids and to bring us a darling Halloween decoration to display next year.

Scott, Codee, and Cohen passing out candy at the trunk-o-treat. Codee went around asking everyone there for a pepsi:)

The kids starting round 2 at the trunk-o-treat. These kids scored big time this year!

After the trunk/treat we went over to visit my sis and bro/law at their cute new house. They gave each of the kids a special treat. We love having you guys live so close...now if we could only get you to babysit every once in awhile:)

Scott and I dressed up this year as well. Doesn't Scott made a beautiful pregnant lady? Somebody shoot me if I ever end up looking like that. Love ya hun, and I am so glad you have such a fun time on the holidays.

Emerson as the spider witch bride. A pretty dang cute one at that!

Claire as a "nice" witch and her pet crow!

Cohen as Elmo. He was too interested in what was in his bucket.

He HATED wearing this costume. I think he thought Elmo was eating his head. Poor kid...scarred for life:)
Happy Halloween Everyone!!
great costumes!! i love the "prego" lady! i need one of those mumus! the kids costumes are great too! is that your cheerleading costume from high school??? amazing :) it looks great!
hahhaha, Scott looked hilarious. I was walking behind him with the girls and I recognized your kids but I was sitting there thinking, who in the crap is holding Cohen...and then he turned around and looked at me and I just busted out laughing. Cole and I are bums, we didn't dress up at all!
Jamee, these are the cutest pics of Halloween! You know our family loves holidays and parties. If we did not have these fun things to look forward to, live would be boring. You all looked so cute, and thanks for taking Codee, she loved it. The best part of the night was the snake! eek! here is he now?
Love, mom
I was reading the comments on The Daily Scoop and noticed Syracuse, UT. I moved from there last Fall when I married my husband. Love that little town and miss it too. I worked for one of the Peds. doctor at the Tanner Clinic. Your blog and family are adorable.
Logandale, NV
Omgosh...I laughed so hard at the pic of you and hubby. PRICELESS!!! That is soooo great. =) What a cute family you have! OH and yes, I remember you saying something about meeting for lunch, We SO need to make that happen girl! send me an email or something!
That pic of Cohen holding the pumpkin, is the cutest thing I have ever seen! What a sweet, cute baby! I just love that little face.
Love, mom
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