This year Emerson was introduced to stitching by her
gramma Warrick. Emmy loved that hobby and talked all the time of "making things". We had asked the girls what they wanted to do this year be it dance, gymnastics, art etc. Emmy was not interested in any of those and then lo and behold I found a
flier for sewing class, I mentioned it to Emerson and the next day I was calling to sign her up. She LOVES it!! She has been in class for a month and so far she has made a hair
scrunchy, this cute book bag, and she is finishing up on some fall pumpkin decorations. Now she really wants to make some clothes, doll clothes and a night shirt. I guess it is time now for me to whip out the sewing machine. Watch out Project Runway.....Emerson
Colquitt is on her way to big the next top designer:)
emmy...that is beautiful!! i can't wait to see all of the stuff you make :) what a talent! i too love to sew...maybe i should get my machine out more often!! xoxo
Emerson Rose, only seven years old and has such a talent for sewing and stitching! At my home this weekend she started quite a big stitching project. I showed her some sewing and stitching her great-great gramma did over a hundred and twenty five years ago. Emerson asked many questions about it. Emerson, you are sooo talented, I love you lots!
Gramma warrick
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