Laguna Beach!! For those of you who have watched the show Laguna Beach this is where the show was filmed. In fact we saw Lauren "LC"S HOUSE, THE SURF SHOP WHERE Stephen WORKED AND THE HOTEL WHERE they STAYED FOR PROM NIGHT. the TOWN IS GORGEOUS, THE BEACH WAS SPECTACULAR, IT WAS AMAZING!! In fact I will live there someday:)

We LOVED Laguna and cant wait to go back!!
Waiting for the parade
Cohen and I cruising in our "cool" ride
Waiting for the Tower of Terror
The face paintings that made me choke costing about 31 smack-a-roos! Oh well it is Disneyland after all :)

Scott and Cohen riding the carousel
Tea cups!!
Being the major animal lover she is...Claire did not want to leave the petting zoo area.
Winnie the Pooh
We LOVE Disneyland!!
Scott and Cohen riding the carousel
We Love SeaWorld. Every year we go I am reminded on how much we love that place. The kids loved the rides at the Sesame Street Park, the Atlantis roller coaster(me not so much)shipwreck rapids, tide pools, and of course the dolphin and Shamu shows. The girls are insistent on wanting to be dolphin trainers now. Cohen loved seeing the penguins(called them ducks) touching star fish, and he LOVED the Budweiser horses so much that he tried to go into one of the stalls with these massive horses. We also loved having my autistic sister(aunt Codee) there at the park with gramma and grampa. It was so much fun seeing how excited she got riding the rides and she absolutely loved the scary Atlantis best.We couldn't wait for the following day to get her on all the scary rides at Disneyland
yes...that post really screwed up your blog!! what is up with that??
but the pictures and the journaling that i did get to read, were fabulous! it looks like so much fun! we are thinking about going to disneyland or world...hopefully next year! who knows :)
wish we could be there. can't wait to read all about the trip...i want more details! and more pics.
love you all!
you lucky dogs I didn't know you went to Disneyland. We have been talking about going with our girls, but we decided it would probably be pointless to go right now since Camry is still too little. But that looks like SO MUCH FUN!!!
Okay, that was one of our funnest trips. Beautiful weather, the whole family,nice condos;let's do it again soon. The new condos are done now in anaheim, better yet, lets all move there-its my home. I am glad you all came and kept the trip fun. we love you all so much!
Love, mom
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