How cute are they? 
The "official"family photo
(disregard the nice frizzy hair...that I didn't do
the whole time I was there, and not ashamed to admit it!
Emerson and I trying our hardest to be
The cutest kids on the planet:)
for pictures
with aunt Audree
our turn for family pics
and cool
My very own beach babes
try pulling him behind the boat..(not if his momma
has anything to do with it)
what more could a little guy ask for?
We had another great year at our annual Bear Lake Family Reunion. The weather was absolutely beautiful and of course the water is phenomenal, I cant believe how blue and crystal clear that lake is. We are so lucky to have that kind of beauty right at our finger tips. Thanks mom and dad for the great week and always putting on such a memorable trip, also thank you for letting us stay in your nice condo I cant believe in the past we truly roughed it....yuck! We love you and cant wait for Bear Lake next year, oh, and those yummy raspberry shakes too!
We had another great year at our annual Bear Lake Family Reunion. The weather was absolutely beautiful and of course the water is phenomenal, I cant believe how blue and crystal clear that lake is. We are so lucky to have that kind of beauty right at our finger tips. Thanks mom and dad for the great week and always putting on such a memorable trip, also thank you for letting us stay in your nice condo I cant believe in the past we truly roughed it....yuck! We love you and cant wait for Bear Lake next year, oh, and those yummy raspberry shakes too!
(I NEED Candice or Kate to teach me how to do a slide show....sorry for the long list of pictures:)
We love Bear Lake too!!! We were actually there last week, too! It looks like you had a blast and the weather was perfect, wasn't it? :) Little Cohen is so handsome! Bobby has a swim top like his and the sand stuff did something funky to it so there are little blue-ish brown specks all over it that won't come out! Ugh.
PS ...You are always so thoughtful and willing to help me out when I need it. Thanks! Lucky for me, the company is moving us out there so I don't even have to lift a finger to move! Whew! And thank heavens for blogs! I need someway to keep in contact with your cute family!
i love the cool family reunion shirts! you know that your reunion is OFFICIAL when you have cool matching shirts!! i personally love the family pic! SCOTT-SMILE WITH TEETH!! you and your bro are way too much alike :) we miss you sooo very much! xoxo
I haven't been to bear lake in ages. That looks like so much FUN! I wish we had a boat or some jet skiis to go catch some waves on once in a while..lucky ducks!!!
What a great trip! We had fun and the pictures make me want to go back. Oh well there are still plenty of good days left this summer. Love you all. Dad-E-O
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