So...I couldn't have asked for school to start fast enough. I mean 3 1/2 months is a long summer and coming up with things to keep kids entertained and busy wore off in lets say, ohh, week 2! The day finally arrived for Emerson to start her year in the 2nd grade. As excited as she was I was actually sad to see her walk into her classroom. I have enjoyed her help and company all summer long and was a little jealous that she wouldn't be with me all day long. I just cant believe how fast time is going by. My baby, my first born is already in the 2nd grade:( I am thrilled that she is so excited about her teacher, her new friends, and all of the fun things Mrs. Worley has planned for them this year. Next week we get to do this all over as Claire will be heading into her 3rd....yes, I said 3rd year of preschool. You have gotta love the late birthday's that miss the actual deadline by 2 weeks. Therefore that leaves us spending $65 a month *times 3 years! I think I should become a preschool teacher...they are making some fun spending cash:)
the typical "mom. quit taking my picture you
are embarrassing me!"
the classic first day of school pose
Emerson loved taking pictures on her first day of school so much that we just"had" to take them on the second day of school as well!! My girls LOOOVVEE to be in front of the camera!
Oh! P.S. Thanks gramma Shawna for taking all of the girls shopping for their new book bags they are totally cute!!
That is so the way it's about time you blog again!! Eryka is like Claire, she'll have 3 whole years of pre-school before kindergarten and yes we pay the same amount...isn't it awesome! Plus she is in ballet that's 30$ a month, one day a week for AN HOUR! yes, yes I'm an idiot for paying it...but you know what it gives her something to do and she loves it, so what can ya do?? Anyways, well if you're bored now that you don't have your buddy keeping you busy all day, give me a jingle we can get Eryka and Claire together since they are pretty close to the same age :)
emmy-you are so beautiful! i love your long hair! both outfits are super cute too.
as for the preschool...i hear you!! try living in texas. preschool costs over $200 a month. you can't find it any cheaper. needless to say, my kids may or may not have a year in preschool!!
That is one of the most beautiful second graders I have ever seen and one of the smartest too! Love the school pics. this is a very proud gramma!
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