What a good way to spend a Saturday. We had gone over to visit my parents this afternoon and my dad got talking about a fish farm in Ogden and how much fun the kids would have fishing for some good 'ol rainbow trout. Scott, my dad, Claire, Emerson and Cohen loaded up and away they went. I guess when you get there they throw fish food in the water and the fish go nuts, you drop your pole and within 2 minutes you have one hooked. Emerson caught a total of 5, Cohen caught 3, and Claire caught 2. Claire was a little afraid of the fish and really didn't want to be around it. Emerson had a good time and was extremely proud of herself for catching the most and Cohen he was in his element...outdoors, water, mud and disgusting things he can touch.
They all had such a great time and look forward to going again. Thanks grandpa for providing the day of fishing and lunch. Now.....I will let you all know how they tasted after our Monday night fish fry!!